Refund Guarantee
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To be eligible for a full refund, the following conditions must be met:
- Minimum Ad Spend: You must have invested a minimum of $3,000 in advertising spend per video we create within the 90 day period to qualify for a refund. This is the minimum amount needed to test the performance of videos and gather reliable data.
- 3rd Party Tracking Implementation: Proper 3rd party tracking must be in place for all your campaigns to ensure performance can be accurately assessed. (Hyros, Clickmagick, TripleWhale, Northbeam, or other comparatives)
- Engagement and Participation: You are required to attend all scheduled meetings. Active participation is crucial to the success of the services provided.
- Adherence to Timelines: You must follow the production timeline set forth at the beginning of the working relationship, with reasonable allowances for unforeseen circumstances.
- Established Sales: Your business must have a consistent online sales history, selling a minimum of $25,000 per month for the past three months.
Last updated January 19, 2024